模擬市民3下載之物件.補丁怎麼安裝到你的遊戲中? - 黑糖女巫 ... 2010年3月26日 - 那請問我只要放下載的物件,要放在哪個資料夾? 你要看你下載的物件是用那種檔案去存檔如果是package檔就是放在. H:\模擬市民3 世界歷險 ...
Download Sims 3 - Nude Mod (No Censor Patch) - FilePlanet Get the SIMS 3 - NUDE MOD (NO CENSOR PATCH) right here, right now! SIMS 3 - NUDE MOD (NO CENSOR PATCH) is available for immediate download.
Sims 3 - Nude Mod (No Censor Patch) - Downloads | GameZone This patch for Sims 3 removes the censor blur area around a Sim when it is not clothed.